“Health Talk for Horses–the DVD” by Dr. Regan Golob
My good friend Regan Golob, the author and star of the great Health Talk for Horses DVD, is a truly remarkable “healer.” He is known to be so extraordinary, so outstanding at enhancing the health and performance of people and animals that he is paid to travel the world to demonstrate and teach his skills.
I use the word “healer” rather than “doctor” to describe him in a effort to avoid giving you the idea that he is constrained by the limitations of most doctors. Even though he holds a Doctor of Chiropractic and a degree in Biology he has not allowed those disciplines to prevent him from Mastering the arts of Natural Health and Natural Healing.
Attending one of Dr. Golob’s workshops for the first time can be a stunning experience–literally! Most of us have become accustomed to the limited results achieved by “normal” doctors. When we observe immediate, dramatic improvements in the health of a horse which happen instantly, right before our eyes, it challenges our old, limiting beliefs of possibility. Some changes are so dramatic that a person assisting outside of the arena finds it difficult to believe that the horse that is being led out is the same horse that was led in just minutes before. It may have even seemed to change color from the expanded radiance of it’s energy!
Although the Health Talk for Horses DVD did not record any particularly dramatic transformations, it does very effectively show a comprehensive and highly detailed sequence of the techniques and tricks that Dr. Golob uses to evaluate, then enhance health in both horses and humans. We consider it to be an essential learning and review tool for every person who relies on, or even just loves horses.
The Health Talk for Horses DVD is highly recommended for all of the horsemen and horsewomen who have attended Dr. Golob’s workshops and seminars (for review) and as an intensive study tool for everyone who owns or rides horses, Veterinarians who choose to expand their healing knowledge beyond the confines of their formal education, groomers, trainers, and by every person who appreciates healthy horses.
The original price for the Health Talk for Horses DVD was $60 plus shipping. As this is being written, it can be purchased at the new, discounted price of only $45 by clicking HERE.
Act now, as there is no guarantee as to how long this reduced price will be offered!
(NOTE: If price has gone back up to $60 by the time you got there, please use the contact form to let us know to pull this note — Thanks!)
- Click HERE (or copy and paste http://abhealthshop.com/health-talk-for-horses-dvd.html in your browser).
- Scroll to the bottom, beneath the “Product Description.”
- Adjust the quantity, as desired (they make great gifts for fellow equestrians).
- Click the “Buy now” button.
- Select the shipping speed (HINT: First Class usually delivers at the same speed as Priority Mail).
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- Sometimes shopping carts throw ridiculous roadblocks in our paths. If this happens to you, please call 208-278-1615 for assistance. (You may also send texts to this number.)